Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hey it's  my first post and I have no idea how to make this pretty so I'm just going to start by telling you about something I've recently discovered! Well, a couple things possibly. The first is a product I've so far deemed pretty awesome!
I stumbled upon it actually at Ulta. Standing in line waiting to check out after a fantastic sale (free carry on luggage when you bought perfume!) and I saw this nifty little blue tube that just said...Crack. Who wouldn't ogle a product named that right?
 So I checked it out on Amazon.. as you can see here ~~~> Crack for hair! and it had a good enough price (~ $10) so I one click ordered that sucker!  A little background, I have naturally curly hair that doesn't always do what I want it to do. It used to be thick but I went through a boxed hair dye frenzy (shudder I know)  in my early 20s and it has never seemed to recover! So I'm always on the hunt for new products to try.  This lightweight cream goes on easy and doesn't make my hair feel greasy and it doesn't drag it down.  It says it works well as a heat protectant so this morning I combined my first foray into Paul Mitchell's Super skinny shampoo and conditioner with a 2 pea sized amount of Crack and I blow dryed my hair.  It's smooth and soft and I didn't have to spend much time at all having to go back through and straighten out random pieces that dried weird. Plus it didn't take near as long as it normally does to dry it!  My hair combed out much easier with the Paul Mitchell..then again I've been using solid shampoos from Lush lately so changing up shampoos could've been the trick..more about those later.
I've used the same product on wet hair and just left the house and while my hair was still soft, it didn't give any sort of control so parts of my hair had nice soft curls and others were a little bushy/frizzy. But I can see this softening curls with coarser hair than mine.  It'll replace my old like/love of Frederick Fekkai's glossing cream..that stuff just makes my hair a little too oily and limp even when I use a teeny amount.

I think that about wraps up my first run-on train of thought about a new product!
Check back with me again and I'll ramble on with more thoughts on one of the millions of items hanging out in my bathroom.

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